319 reviews

Free Mockup Templates for Your Videos
Create stunning mockups for your videos online with VEED in just a few clicks. Our free mockup generator lets you easily snap your videos into different images that will serve as your video’s frame—like iPhone, Mac, book cover, and other objects. VEED’s smart mockup tool can do it for you instantly! Just choose from our design templates and customize your mockup. It’s perfect for product videos, promotional videos, events, and more.
It’s online; no software to download. Plus, you will have access to a full suite of video editing tools! Our video editor lets you create professional-looking videos straight from your browser. It’s super easy to use—whether you’re creating content for your business or for personal use. Choose from our wide selection of templates to get started.
How to Create a Mockup:

Step 1
Upload or record
Upload your video to VEED or start recording using our online webcam recorder. You can also drag and drop your video to the editor.

Step 2
Select a mockup template
Select a mockup template and snap your video inside the frame. You can also go to Elements and scroll down to the Mockup section to see more options. You can then further personalize your video using our full suite of tools.

Step 3
When you’re happy with your edits, click on “Export”. Download your video and share!
Learn More
‘Mockup Generator’ Tutorial
iPhone mockup, website mockup, and more!
There are so many mockup template designs to choose from! Whether you want your video to be inside an iPhone, a computer, and so many other objects, it only takes a few clicks to do so. You can also drag and drop your video into the template and it will snap right in. Pretty neat! You don’t need to worry about creating graphic designs yourself. We have them all for you—all you have to do is upload your video and fit it inside the mockup object. It’s that simple.

Online video editing made easy
You don’t need to look further to make further edits to your videos. You can make them look professionally edited right within VEED. No need to download an app! Do it all from your browser. You can adjust the settings of your video to make it look clearer—adjust the brightness, saturation, sharpness, and more. Make use of our full suite of video editing tools to create stunning videos even if you don’t have video-editing experience. Use filters, color grading, remove background, and much, much more!

A wide selection of stock audio and videos
If you don’t have your own video recording, you can also choose from our selection of royalty-free stock audio and video clips. From cat videos, event videos, to corporate type videos, you can find it all in our library. Add music, background tracks, and sound effects. Our premium subscribers have full access to our stock media. You can check our pricing page for more info.

Loved by creators.
Loved by the Fortune 500
VEED has been game-changing. It's allowed us to create gorgeous content for social promotion and ad units with ease.

Max Alter
Director of Audience Development, NBCUniversal

I love using VEED. The subtitles are the most accurate I've seen on the market. It's helped take my content to the next level.

Laura Haleydt
Brand Marketing Manager, Carlsberg Importers

I used Loom to record, Rev for captions, Google for storing and Youtube to get a share link. I can now do this all in one spot with VEED.

Cedric Gustavo Ravache
Enterprise Account Executive, Cloud Software Group

VEED is my one-stop video editing shop! It's cut my editing time by around 60%, freeing me to focus on my online career coaching business.

Nadeem L
Entrepreneur and Owner, TheCareerCEO.com

When it comes to amazing videos, all you need is VEED
No credit card required
More than a mockup generator
VEED lets you do so much more than just create mockups for your videos. It’s a powerful all-in-one video editing software that also lets you record your screen, webcam, and go live on multiple platforms. VEED is also one of the very few online video editors that can do auto-subtitling. Make your videos accessible to a wider audience. Try VEED today and start creating professional-quality video content!